Monday 13 March 2017

Why do you love me?

This is one big question we are all scared of.
"Why do yo love me?"
"What have I done to make you feel that way?"
Not all of them may be relevant, however, they all stand important in our love lives. I personally feel, these questions also come up in other bonds. I've asked my mother, whether she loved me more than her mother and today I realise how stupid that question could be.

The truth is people do not love you for a particular reason. If they do, I suggest you run away. If emotions have ever had a reason, it wasn't real enough. It took me many years to realise that, I hope you do much sooner. You are human, flawed, real. You've got dreams, aspirations and this is your life. If there's anybody who is willing to love you truly, they would with all of you, not parts of you. And this stand for anybody on earth. This is not luxury, this is the right of every being and if you demand it, you will have it. But you will also need an eye for detail. Life's got too many things that are right on the surface. To see beyond that is a challenge and not all of us succeed at it. It's very important to identify those people who genuinely wish to hold us as fond Vs those who merely cherish our good times.

I've heard many times about this intimidating question being asked. I've heard the question in my own mind. But I've known whenever I could answer it, I had a crush. The only time I couldn't answer it, I knew it was rock solid and I had hit it hard this time.

You won't be the uber man/lady all your life. You will make mistakes. You are not perfect, none of us are. That's when we need love. Not when we are our strong healthy selves turning the world's light on. Love doesn't have status, standard,'s a language you can connect with only very few. Keep them close for they are extremely rare.

I know this sounds confusing. How love could be spiritual, selfless I have no idea. It is important to cling on to it. But make sure, this is the right person and if it is....never give up, never!

(Love is scary. It'll shake you up. It needs you to be extremely vulnerable. It needs you to be scared. It'll make you weak on your knees.....but the rewards are selfless. We often tend to assume, love is a full time job, it needs us to change stuff. Believe me, it cannot be more wrong in our minds. Love is different for different people but in all cases the right love is freeing, adventurous, selfless and self-discovering. If you have the opportunity, go for it. Just make sure you are loved for the right reasons and that is no reason.)

For those who know me - please don't try to judge me, you barely know me, even if you think you do. You're probably on the wrong pages.......I too discover myself everyday, so you certainly don't know me. Only a rare few 4 people understand me and that is enough for me. I'm lucky, I've found them and I hope they'd appreciate me just as much. In either case, my happiness isn't dependant. And to all those who create trouble, I despise you, simply because people have messed up lives enough and you're focusing on messing mine instead of clearing yours. That's a pity!

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