Monday 6 March 2017

The part that'll always live on - 'the family'

This isn't just my extremely emotional outlook towards an extremely supportive family. It is also my appreciation to their ability to put us truly before society and I salute that.

Today's story is dedicated to my true role models in life, my parents, each of them have taught me a lot in life. They didn't tell me how to live it but literally showed it to me. They didn't lie to me. And I am happy I was that lucky.

If I ever told you the nightmares we've been through, if I ever told you my'd be surprised we survived it. And that's exactly why I know how much a well knitted family means. Ever heard the famous lines from Charlie and the chocolate factory?....."I'd not give up my family fir the entire chocolate in the world".He said some wise words.

This is a bond that science can't explain. This is a bond where you are willing to lay down your life, probably much more. It is not blood I am talking of here, I am talking about selfless love that one can give to another to the extent where there is no limit.

Over the miles, on a single call, my mother knows what my heart feels. She knows exactly what I need and over the distance comes my magic hug. My phone knows whom to call when I am afraid at 2 am.....and that's not just machine learning.

My father waits for that 1 call which I often delay in the entire day. And then if i'm late, he'll probably be a little agitated and then i'll know what went wrong. I know, I owe them so much more. But here's the good thing, i'm not scared because I know they'll love me the same. I know they are there.

And then come the sibling. It is a unique bond in itself. No one can barely imagine it unless you've been in it. A roller coaster it is. It's like you have a twin whose heart beats with you, you can feel their pain and anger and yet sometimes you cannot do much about it.

At the end of the day, this is that part of my life I will not share with you, with anybody. This is that one part for whom i'd kill, do all the nasty things I need to. I'd do anything to keep them safe. And if you come my way, I am sorry but that was a major mistake!

I know I sound scary......believe me I am. When it comes to this, I definitely am.

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