Tuesday 14 March 2017

The darkness

We've all got a bag full of burden, experiences, lessons that we carry around. Some of us have learnt to laugh despite it because life's too short to spend with the people you love and too long with the people you hate. And then some of us are the gate keepers. We save the society from facing its worst nightmares. Sometimes nightmares manifest from things much deeper and you'd be ashamed to know what your kin is liable of. So we gatekeep. Sometimes because it's easier, sometimes because there's not much to do about it, sometimes to save others, sometimes plainly because we are too naive to do anything. So we run. The gatekeepers run. We've seen the light, the dark and we run with the burden, hoping we reach the cave light before it's too late, before we fall apart.
Our feet are weak with long runs, our souls tired of pain, our hearts dying to laugh, our throats thirsty. And we are miserable....but we don't give up. With all the burden that wasn't ours, we bear it well and we run the miles. It's why we bond so well because we know what it is to be happy, we know what it is to suddenly be snapped into darkness. We know both the sides and we choose to give you light.

So don't look down upon the prostitute's home. It saves many and kills none. It serves what is in demand. Don't blame the demons lurking in the men within. Don't judge what's not yours to. Don't forget the gate keepers save your fairy tales from falling apart. The dungeons aren't pretty and a lot of blood is shed to leave cities so clean. Those of all are the bravest, to carry the burden what's not theirs.

Demons live everywhere, in the man you thought were like your father, in the tutor you look up to, in various forms. It's horrible how society can bring down your naive thoughts but you'll need to fight and emerge as the winner. In the end, it wasn't you, it was never you.

You were the gatekeeper and very brave at it. Just keep the gate to yourself unless you find a soul as brave to part it with.

Note-To all my sisters/brothers or anybody who suffer everyday. Just know, we respect your bravery. And we hear you.

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