Saturday 10 March 2018

To be or not to be

There is a time you will ponder upon all the times which 'could be',
You will think 'what if I had done that',
'What if we had tried that',
And between these will you find yourself torn,
Torn because they are the midway options that never can see the light,
We simply haven't done it and time has moved on,
We cannot go back, we must live with the 'what if',
And in many a such day will you hit upon another 'what if'
With patterns similar to that in the past,
As if a soulmate were made just for you,
You dance to the rhythm of chemistry,
In ways untold and unheard of,
Like the ones in novels,
And your palms sweat,
For you do not believe you had a chance at love after all;

So you take a step back,
Think again,
What matters the most,
Is the spark worth the time?
Is it worth weeks of hormones rushed?
Will this be another 'What If'?
And our atoms at once recite,
They must want to see this fight,
To see what could be for once,
To give it that little push of trust,
To finally allow yourself to make a mistake,
And then the question hits us hard,
To be or not to be ?

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