Saturday 6 January 2018

The real deal

Oh love,
You're the magic I never knew existed,
And you taught me,
Oh there was the fleeting passion,
We'd love to feel everyday,
Like a drug we'd gladly be addicted to;

And then we noticed its fleeting nature,
The to and fro tires us,
We slowly learn to live without love,
It's numbing and we grow used to it,
Functioning in a way and living with what's left of us;

And then again,
Sometimes when love does come around,
We're playing it cold, clinging to ourselves,
We prevent love,
We cannot risk and burn again;

The real deal is so much more,
The connect is so real,
Where you see each other's dreams,
Feel their passion,
Feel their vulnerabilities,
And we see mutual best interest,
There's trust, security, freedom,
Selfless and to be.....

There's security in love,
Not because one says so,
Because it is just so special,
Real love is a new avenue,
Where yes, you're still scared of the commitment,
But glad because the journey is with your best friend!

And that my friend is the real deal. That is all serious relationships are about. That is all we are looking for. Only sometimes we are scared to ask. That is all we ever want (well that's me at least)

I know that might sound old school, a bit too serious.....well it is. It's just worth it if you ask me. The rest will never be for me :) I guess some of us are just that way.....we know what we really want.

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