Friday, 22 March 2013


endowed with beauty,grace and individuality,
Anya Kings was yet a mystery;
Her hair tied usually into an untidy bun,
She gazed into the crown;
She barely met anyone's eyes,
But if someone did do so....
or could look a little better than superficial
she made the perfect mystery;

Known to very few,
She and her talents,
Lay behind her desk was a painting she made,
And plenty more hobbies she pursued;
In her bag was found just enough books,
But in her mind was games,bikes,horses and more;

Such a lady was no more at ease........what is it?-enigma????

She questioned her frenzy,
Her miscalculated gestures,
Her absent mind,
And her frequent visit to those eyes.......
Was it dream?
Was it real?
Was it what she needed or was it again a passing phase?

Need it be said,
Again and again we must not fall,
Into the same river,
Where there is so much water that we must drown......
And yet again,
here she was,
Calling out to the dark,
Walking the same path,
Waiting to fall into the gushing water;

Had her trials not been invain?
Had she not learnt to live without it......
Why again then do those eyes haunt,
Wherein she sees warmth;
If she's mislead like those 2yrs ago,
Will this be not painful yet,
Or will her trust over the failing win?

Will the hollow dimming hope
Glitter in the night,
Or will it bring more gloom?
Here she is still on the path,
Yet again to venture the truth,
To know what lay behind,
That had been untold........

Listened not she to her brave mind,
In coordination with her self
She tried again and again,
To leave the untold note some meaning,
To let the truth still be out
-be it soothing/sombre or vulgar;

While in this visit,
She decided not to back,
She has laid down her preference,
She has looked into those eyes,
She has given him a chance,
She has proclaimed her thoughts-mind and soul,
That be the same frequency,
That be a soul,
It will hear and does it connect,
Her faith lies in the bitter truth,
She awaits her answer
And will wait hither
Unless the devouring devil's eyes meet hers
And ask her to stay or leave,
And that will be forever!

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