Thursday, 4 August 2011

stars high up........bleed it!

looking up into the sky
i didn't see my face(astronomy),
looking down into the water
i could see it!

so shall i say
look below goes your past
look up the future's yet to come!

the sky line sinking
into bright flashes
and sometimes
blossomed red
yet again
wholesome grumpy dark!

where white fades into blue
and i see the jet already lost
i can only see the fading behind
telling that the past will fade
it's the forward that matters.........

holding my breadth
and closing my eyes
i could see nothing but yellow and green....
......i let me breath
cause i felt the fear of death!

oh so simple at times we
feel things are
but without pain
we stand nowhere;

stars up there
where my future is yet unsaid,
each one bright and nice
looking upon me
saying 'i send some light to you
in a few light years it shall be there!'

paradoxical it is
as i can hear it
and the light is yet to come!

bleed ed it upon itself
to let the white be out,
burnt it had itself
to let us know it's existence....

and we being mere feeders
of such luxury
spoilt to ecstasy
will believe sit we
and the sky will come to us!

rolled on the sky those
little ones,
so many of them
but shined only the
burnt ones......
the rest lay back as black holes
or so i suppose
know we not even of such
yet we look up to the chosen ones
to spoil ourselves
and bathed be in the moon's glow!

in a furry and
in the frenzy
losing my balance
i tripped upon the terrace and fell.....

.....a nail upon my arm
so far it went
bleed i my natural red
seem th the star smiled and said
'you'll learn like this
just face it today!'
by the time it's light reaches me I'll have learnt some......I'm sure!till then best of luck on the milky way!


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