Thursday, 4 August 2011

mood(micro operating oderly disorder)

in short 'no karon madness'.......anything anytime!gosh at time we don't even know why?!!!!!!not going out can make us moody i guess!......taht's too bad.......well i was just guessing
hold on u too feel moody and don't know the reason is it?well soumanti does!i know and u'll. choose anonymous and write ur names so we know ho all face this traumatic stpid thing........yet i love myself the way i am!:P must better up ourselves always!i agree though.
just at times when we are not too sure of what we want and what will happen in near futur we often teke refuge in shelling it out and bring thunderstorm on others........and if it's in small quantities things don't bring up storms but parents may just say 'why' ......... had i known what was happening i'd control........well it's all so bad!our apprehensions can actually fail us!or so my analysis is wrong.........thought of it a long time........didn't get to the reason!.......any suggestions?except yoga and meditation!.......the usual ones though they work wonders!......need up ur suggestions!

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