Sunday, 25 March 2012


Upon the clouds of faith,
On a distant trail of care,
I see the lining fading by
Into the darkness great;

Yet again the stumbling heart,
Has fallen apart,
For it is lame again,
And must hit the mettle hard;

As those slumberous eyes,  
Do droop in heaviness,
Alight i see my hero on the
Twinkling stars of night;

Tonight i stole the whispering wind,
The dainty moon and it's wife,
I have a secret tonight i see,
The hero knows no more;

Wide White the lacy curtains
reaching out to the sky,
And THUD lands the galloping horse
It's dark shone against the white;

Yet again the horse has come
To take me alight,
And yet again tonight
The emptiness replies;
My hero has come today
To greet me onto the stallion,
But thereafter he sits
On the window-sill
Staring into the dark;

A mystic air filling my breadth
A purity in the wind,
So pure it not feel'th before
As if my unicorn's here!
At a distance i see
A wonder white,
Shining like silver light
Thudding it's hoof as if to say
It's ready for the flight;

The last glimpse
On the hero so sombre,
And his radiating fear,
The world he had to save
Such daring works were not to be denied;

A small curl takes my lip
Onto my silvery Madera i sit,
Into the new world i step
As if alone was my only plight;
And there the lights were all lit
A quite emptiness echoing my heart beat,
Onto the dance floor i had stepped
No turning back was benign;
Among the crowd i had walked
Space-less  mundanes i had met,
Among them one with a handsome face-cut
Has ushered me here,upon the stage;
Yet i see i say him mundane
Where is the eye that saw all same.......

A sumptuous baffling among the crowd
And gently parting my partner's arm
An ivory rod on the Man's arm i see,
Scanning through the dark shoes
I had almost guessed before i saw
But yet to clarify my doubt i did see his earnest face;
The Hero i saw right in front
After the dark deeds
had been undone,
Here upon the spotlight jazz,
We made the music come to live!

Drooling in the midnight dream
A rose thorn bled my hand
And yet when i woke up to it
There was a silent smile ;) ;


  1. here the denial is of the hero who refuses to go with the lady so she goes on her Madera!

  2. another awesome creation :)

  3. tahnkyou my dera fan.........ophs sorry ac ;) admiring candidate-priyaani

  4. so beautiful.. so romantic.. loved it..

    1. most loved it?what else does a writer need :) :) check the rest out too!am new to indiblogger so i've not posted my work except just 2.And it's nice to know how it is even if it's criticism

  5. most loved it?what else does a writer need :) :) check the rest out too!am new to indiblogger so i've not posted my work except just 2.And it's nice to know how it is even if it's criticism

  6. fearing to loose someone and as a result holding it more tightly is
    something what we do at times... :)
    well written :) :)..!!

  7. orom kichu noi's different!here she let go......but what was hers was bck with her, inspired by 'birpurush'!here birkanya :I-priyaani

  8. very thoughtful and sweet and dreamy"-soma bhatt.

    1. thankyou so much my dear friend-well it is a dream :) :)-priyaani


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