Sunday 3 December 2017

Snow - the dire wolf

It was the eyes first,
And then the thick white fur,
They gleamed at me as if,
As if it needed me,
Needed me to not let it down,
Like mother would look me in the eye,
After multiple manaces put up with,
I looked again,
And it lay there still hoping I would better,
With an axe in my hand;

My hunger growled,
And the adrenaline pushed me further,
It was meat, just meat,
And all of snow laden Ladakh,
Didn't have any food for me,
Just one inmate,
I could save or eat ?

So I looked again,
And my memories came flooding back to me,
How I left all responsibilities,
And ran into the hills,
How I wasn't making some people proud,
How I craved their love still,
How things had just overturned,
I then let the axe slip out of my hand,
And cupped my new friend 'Snow' in my hands;

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