Saturday 26 August 2017

The remains....

'It's always the money, you know' she shouted and took 4 deep slow breaths. 'The insurance firm, the doctors, the filthy rich...everyone !'

'It's not all like that, you know', TB replied. 'The longer you wait, the harder it's like an addiction. You have no account of how much it grosses in your bank and yet you can't stop it from coming in because that's all that you know to do. But with time, its price degrades to a level where it's never enough. The options aren't enough, the view's not good enough, the car's not fast enough, the hype isn't enough.....and you try to cash in more and put in more work hours. Like we know, the same pinch of heroine cannot give you the same euphoria. It just goes downhill from there'.

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'That's particularly deep for the insensitive person I know you to be. Have you been there?'

'Let's just say....I have. You have no idea of what I have done or haven't done to have myself where I am right now. At the least, there are some henious things i'm not proud of doing'

Sarah gasped for air several times, her chest was heavy from pain and secrets and revenge she hadn't shared in years. They were burdening her down now and she couldn't have divulged them in front of a man she wanted to trust but the trust issues wouldn't allow. It had been a rough walk, from her roots to the office, every path she took had come with labour and pain a man couldn't think of. Very little of humanity lived in her and she was scared of it making her weak. And every time she looked at TB and she saw an older version of her in him and that scared her. For once she was scared of running away, of losing him.

'Are you okay? You're red literally', TB asked concerned closing in the space between them.

'I'll be fine' she replied hurried taking a few steps back. 'I've seen poverty, i've seen people die, so I exactly don't understand what unaccounted accounts you are talking about but that is all that matters. It is people's strength and it is one's weakness....that is the only way I can get to them'

'Maybe but what'll remain is very different from what you can see. The remains will be of an empty human - you and a lot of regrets for taking lives. Money isn't our problem. We make it. We run for it and we think it's never enough.....and that's the cycle - it never is. And we miss out on the biggest gifts in life - we miss time, we miss youth, we miss family' he stared into her eyes. 'You can go after them all you want and you can go after the money too......but you and I both know this is not about the money'

Sarah's mind was clocking at many memories per millisecond. Voices filled her head and scenes from the war clogged her thoughts. She was fighting them for so long, she was almost tired but her vengeance kept her going and another night she probably wouldn't sleep well.

>> This Snippet is from a book 'My family' worth $20. You could get a free copy by signing up click here to sign up for your free copy

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