Thursday, 11 July 2013

The water ripples

Into the forest,
I've wandered,
Hither thither,
To find another glimpse,
Of the unerring soul;
In the hope of a new,
Of watching you from behind,
Knowing well you'll never know,
Knowing well u'll bid me 'adieu'!
Into this river,
So many times u've driven me,
And yet again,
I'm right behind,
Aroused my senses are with the morning dew,
And a numbness that proclaims-
my peculiar pose,
A human body musn't bear!
Your face,
yes, the glimpse,
I so long for,
Everyday....every same day of my life,
That's lost with the trails of your forgotten soul;
Into the thin air you disappear,
I've lived along,
To feel ur mist,
To challenge death,
To make a deal,
To give you a life,
In return of mine,
"Fair enough?", I asked him in the face
But death laughed and shooed me away,
I've been there.....
Whenever ur not here,
And now I shrivel up,
Under the thought of giving up,
Giving up seeing you everyday,
Living that same life,
Over and over again
But with a new zeal,
That came from you.......
'The ripples'...
I can see the ripples,
Right there,you see that?Mean ripples,
They disfigure your face,
And I cannot take it;
This is the time,
According to legend,
I must drown to give you life,
Reborn then will be a new life,
All yours, nothing mine.....
But all I fear is the life I'll give,
My shadows must never overshadow you,
I must remain behind the Oak always,
Like I've always been,
And not even the earth shld unfold to you,
The story of 'ripples to life'......

One last time,
Your face on the still waters,
The ripples are spreading wide and large,
'goodbye',my friend,
You are free today from your tomb!
But as fate must beckon misfortune to take a cake,
Emmily Bristells rose from the dead,
Into the dead she remained,
Half living and half dead,
Knowing the fact full well,
How the oak had been witness to all good and bad;

Legend has in it,
"Into the ripples if you vanish,
The dead shall rise from it's dome;
From the dead if u rise,
U must live as ur image,
Bt with the memory of who pledged it's bitter soul into you,
That nature had not acknowledged"
Death stood there,
A smirk in the eerie sphere,
Dogging the paradox,
And culling it's powers!

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