I'm a face ,
In a million trillion rush,
Apart I donot stand,
Yet u stop only at me;
But this is not me,
It's just a facade,
So we look amiable,
But u're not unknown to my vices,
My bad moods,
My being worried,
My being jealous,
And u still take a stand,
For the me in that trillion rush;
But today is a different day,
I'm nomore as I look,
I'm a different face,
A vision beyond my face,
I will need;
In the same rush,
I'm here again,
In the trillion crowd,
Hoping that u'll stop,
Like u always do;
You stopped,
Perplexed you seem,
See beyond the face,
You'll know it's me,
I know u can see more than that;
But U move on,
Then was I wrong,
Was my face all I had,
My identity is washed?
Wait!,,,,,look again,
Maybe u could try again,
And see beyond,
The surface I hold;
You're back,
You've come again,
Frantic on not seeing me,
Here I am,
Can u not understand,
With my mere presence?
Into my eyes,
You look just like as always,
Can you not read my thoughts,
I don't want to force,
If it's not today,
I'll leave without you,
As i've promised!
......You look away,
It's time for me to go,
For without the surface,
My identity is lost,
My face lost,
I'll walk alone again,
Hope u forget me,
It's just the face anyway.......
Wait!.....But my hand's held back,
I turn,
So is it you?
In a million trillion rush,
Apart I donot stand,
Yet u stop only at me;
But this is not me,
It's just a facade,
So we look amiable,
But u're not unknown to my vices,
My bad moods,
My being worried,
My being jealous,
And u still take a stand,
For the me in that trillion rush;
But today is a different day,
I'm nomore as I look,
I'm a different face,
A vision beyond my face,
I will need;
In the same rush,
I'm here again,
In the trillion crowd,
Hoping that u'll stop,
Like u always do;
You stopped,
Perplexed you seem,
See beyond the face,
You'll know it's me,
I know u can see more than that;
But U move on,
Then was I wrong,
Was my face all I had,
My identity is washed?
Wait!,,,,,look again,
Maybe u could try again,
And see beyond,
The surface I hold;
You're back,
You've come again,
Frantic on not seeing me,
Here I am,
Can u not understand,
With my mere presence?
Into my eyes,
You look just like as always,
Can you not read my thoughts,
I don't want to force,
If it's not today,
I'll leave without you,
As i've promised!
......You look away,
It's time for me to go,
For without the surface,
My identity is lost,
My face lost,
I'll walk alone again,
Hope u forget me,
It's just the face anyway.......
Wait!.....But my hand's held back,
I turn,
So is it you?