Tuesday 21 November 2017


Noun. compatibility (countable and uncountable, plural compatibilities) The state of being compatible; in which two or more things are able to exist or work together in combination without problems or conflict.

Personally - an overstressed word. What makes you think some of the best couples sync like magic ? They don't ..... things go wrong and they handle it. That's the fun part - right ?

Now, that doesn't mean its literal sense goes down. With time, we grow to be more. For people who do not stop learning and are goal/dream driven, it is essentially true, we become and evolve into humans every day we weren't yesterday. Yes. it's positive and we love it. There's a small challenge. With more individual growth, you grow apart from many others and less compatible with the mass. Sounds cliche but that's a good thing.

Thus, on a journey of self discovery, it's both enriching and freeing to find the likeminded souls, if you're extra lucky, you might fall in love too :)

For the over-stressing readers here's some fact check. Did you know 'the similarity between couples' mattered less than 1% in successful relations ? The Harvard study showed what mattered the most was the likeness of reaction of each person to emotional turmoil. So if you cry together when bit by an ant, you have a good shot.....forgive my queer sense of humour !

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