Sunday 2 November 2014

A small world and finding happiness

I happened to check the top 20 most searched songs and came across "All of me-John Legend",I've embedded below. For some time I see the videos, quality super good=film but the truth is hardly reflected.

No offense, I would take the example of this but my intentions are not to offend any fan because truly I liked the song too even if it's not in my favs.

I understand that the concept of perfect imperfections is perfectly lovable, kudos to the idea but implicitly many of the videos put forward a image in our minds of life-how it would be. As it is we are in an era of over expectation fro ourselves, from the world and from life. The scenes depicted (in many of the filmy video-songs) portray a life unreal or set an expectation level which won't happen all your life. However in our minds, I set an image of the unreal future and when I don't get it, I am frustrated. You and I should be conscious enough to keep distinguishing what is cinematography and life. Anyways if you stayed in water so long, you'd catch a terrible cold (a-choooo)-excuse me.

Some of the below are carry more truth, I agree a film is more entertaining as long as we are conscious of its impact, it cannot impact-

1. A singer enjoys his song-real life,small thing but real joy

2. Enjoying moments of dance-Dirty dancing

The world is small, the people we will meet will be limited, our life partners will not look like james bond/charlie's angels. We need to look beyond, yes 'accepting imperfections' is a step forward. However accepting life as it comes and making the small moments count are more important. A regular life(which is also very happening in itself) can have various joys of small moments,experiences,faith,love and togetherness. Most of us will not be in 'Lamborghini' , in 'large palaces' and yet you will be the prince/princess to someone. Don't let the huge things block your view, the genuine joy in love is the feeling in itself, it does not matter whether it's in a jaguar or not. Money is a necessity, don't make it luxury. Flamboyance is addiction not necessity. Your life is too short, think, decide and learn to choose the genuine. Be conscious and remember the film might look nice but 'life' is a different enjoyable story altogether.

This is my sweet message to you all, let me know if you agree/disagree or maybe things I missed. Would be happy to face criticism, I'm not perfect and I don't want to be, however I would love to learn and listen.

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