Thursday 18 September 2014

Holy Crime

I stand in front of the Bible, looking into the eyes of Jesus....
I still don't know if I am wrong or right,
Save it's too meagre to consider anymore,
When everything I had is lost,
I just stand on.....

Little did I know,
I should meet you,
In days of despair and hunger,
When you smiled at me
And gave me a hand,
I got a warm body,
And I went on....

It didn't seem true,
It didn't feel,
The way it should have,
I knew every breadth was afar,
You were not the one,
But it was a good deal,
I got food and shelter,
A home to say mine,
And I went on...

And on the way to Lake George,
I saw you into someone,
It caused some pain,
A home was gone again,
And I cried that day,
But never again,
It was a good deal,
I got food and shelter,
A home to stay,
And I went on...

However when she saw us,
I broke completely apart,
I think she lost a home,
That really she thought was hers,
I don't think I deserve all that,
But she did,
She didn't go on,
I tried to tell her,
But by then it was too late,
If not love, something serious,
Belonged within us....

So here I am, I could have been better, the good girl they ask me to be, but was I given a choice? I'd be dead by now, I know but it kills me to think what I did to someone so fine, maybe it's not worth any forgiveness, I only wish all this could be undone and I could wake up like a child in a home of my own !


  1. Very nice thoughts u have, i must say. I can read your mind through your poem.

    1. Thanks Anusia, you pretty well connected to my mind for this instance. Keep reading and let me know each time :)


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