Tuesday 4 March 2014


Hast has brought me here,
Past I cannot blame,
When I never really realised,
How much of it was left behind,
No regrets,No pain,
A thriving that grows day by day.....

But to the 'omnipotent' I ask,
Betraying the rules of games,
I haven't stopped to heed to you,
But told you mine everyday,
You never responded,
But I thought you did,
I thought the world would be,
Like I had told you so,
Naive,gentle,Blessed and Challenging,
Of which only the last remains,
And hope into the gutter has gone,
I don't know if I speak to you still,
But you are my last hope,
Of making everything as I will;

To the blissful person,
On my way I met,
When burdens had burried me deep,
And dust is all I could see,
I would thank him,
For letting me grow,
Day by day into a hopeful girl again,
Thankful for the moment then;
Adieu I wouldn't bid to him,
But I donot know if he did indeed,
The tale will never unfold so fast,
Even if I wanted the pain to pass,
In it I have seen some enjoy,
Some thrive, some shatter,
I am in the mid-way now,
Scared of being crumbled,
But ready to try,
Yet I know,
The folly I've made,
The hurt that I have left,
For beneath the burden,
Only dust was all I saw,
Never could I see any beyond that.....

If you please,
I've made my mind,
With a few things I had to let go,
I could not but let you be one,
Before I left I had turned back,
Several times for you to respond,
Told you, Waited in vain,
But left no hope even when I left,
Destiny will speak for itself,
For me it ended the day 'Truth' i.e. you had met......

Can I say a sorry?
Can it be undone?
Can I have a second chance?
Can I live as me once?

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