Friday, 28 February 2014

Upsurge-IsItEnterpreneurFever? #HelpThemMakeIt

Here you have a chance to say, even though I write, it is you who will decide, I will only show you a way.

Milaap has started this idea, of sharing, of spreading awareness and asking you to help and what better place could I write for? Our idea being to ask you to help give a slice of your i-phone, so someone could have a toilet/ an education/ a decent death. In return? You will smile the whole day and on your death bed look death in its face and tell your grandchild + the doctor "I am a Social Changer".

Monday, 10 February 2014

Should I be a Doctor?#Social Trauma

I need to ask a foolish question.
Can I keep this a secret?Even when you read it, please keep it to yourself, for it's a 'Dream', the only thing I love more than myself. When the promise is made, read on..

This is my Dream- I want to study medicine, know everything about human body ,research and find a permanent cure to diabetes. WHO states 347 million people worldwide have diabetes.

Friday, 7 February 2014


We dream, each day, every moment,
A new one,
Re-dream the old ones,
Un-perished they stay,
In a heart full of fear,
Desperation and pursuit,
To bring them alive,
So today was such a pensive day....

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